
Friday, November 18, 2011

One Tree Hill

Earlier this week we went to star dome four a field trip. While were there we decided to go up One Tree Hill. After we went down to the crater and slide on our bottom down. When we got there we got to go in side the dome.

Friday, September 16, 2011

Spectascular New Zealand

The Rugby World Cup is bringing lots of tourists to New Zealand but there is more here than just a cup!

There were people in New Zealand that were the first ones and they were important to us.
They were Maori in New Zealand and so New Zealand was all none as Maori culture.

There are animals in the wold, put in New Zealand There are animals that just belongs to New Zealand. They are and a there more.
New Zealand is very interesting they have animals that has a hint.

So if you are here to see of the 48 Wold Cup Rugby Games, remember to also take time out to inspect more of our stunning country.

Monday, September 12, 2011

Cross Country

On Tuesday we had to walk through the bushes. As Mr Marks walked out of the room he said to us we are going for a practice walk. It sounded so exciting, but as we got down there the track looked very dangerous.

I didn't run the race because of my ear operation. As I walked I saw cracked tracks, scary bridges which crossed deep creeks, and fallen trees.

When I crossed the finish line I felt very tired and sweaty.

Wednesday, August 31, 2011


At badminton we do all sorts of stuff like serving, hitting and practicing. When I first touched the racket I felted so nervous. It wasn‘t until I hit it that I realised I was very bad at it. Then the next week a new instructor came and she taught us some new skills and with her we played at the net. I was very bad with the net but my partner was Howard who was very good at hitting the shuttle. The shuttle was coming towards me and I didn’t know what to do. I whacked it and then I smacked my partner in the nose. When my patner and I were practicing I was very good. Then the instructor gave us a cone. We had to try to hit it in the cone and the other person had to catch it. We got five shuttles out of the bin and we tried to shoot it in and I got three in.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011


Last week we played netball outside on the asphalt court!!!!! We were all practising how to provide a target.

Later on in netball the coach gave as all a number each, one to thirteen. When the teacher called number nine that was my number. I rushed to the hoop and picked up the ball and tried to shoot in to the hoop. I go two turns and on my second one I got it in but my first one I never got it in.

The next week we played real netball. It was fun but my opponent was very tall her name was Lisia and I was jolly.

Making Cushions Design

This is a painting for my cushion.
And this is a practice on paper before I paint onto cotton.

Monday, June 27, 2011

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

James goes swimming

I enjoy swimming at our local Glen Innes pools. When we arrived at the pools we had to shower first before going into the pool.

I like swimming freestyle across the pool. This animation showing me walking to the pools. It will also show me swimming.

Friday, May 20, 2011

Bruno Mars

On my holiday I went to Vector Arena for the Bruno Mars concert. He sung all his song’s that day. My favourite song was Grenade. He was so awesome that night. One person chucked him a sign and he chucked it back. Then someone gave him a t-shirt and he loved it.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Camp Favourites

Guess what I did last week we had camp for year 5 and 6!!!!.
We had lots of awesome games last week, my favourite game was kayaking.
I learnt lots of new things from kayaking and I am fast in the boat.
My 2nd favourite part of camp is Swimarama.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011


My mouth was watering when we were talking about the chocolate chip cookie.
When I ate the cookie it was crisp and crunchy .
My chocolate cookie tasted so nice that I was in haven.
We can tastes the specks of sugar on our biscuit.
The chocolate freckles tastes so nice that the chocolate

Sunday, February 6, 2011